Thursday, April 8, 2010
Last blogged @ 4:13 PM
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Last blogged @ 5:30 PM I like you blogger, but turns out I found tumblr to be moar fun and easy to post things.
I do miss writing long ass blogs about myself but tumblr is just .. ideno something about tumblr. Its like "blogger and twitter" had babies and this was teh result. I love you and the long ass blogs but I do find new people there.. sorry. You can still find me and follow me if you liek :) .. loserrkat & kaatkun see you soon kayteehkbby & kayteecupcake. I'M ON TWITTER (Y) like anyways gonna read this pfft.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Last blogged @ 9:12 PM iloveyooh.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Last blogged @ 7:03 PM canucks vs red wings.
6-3 oh hell yes :) they appeared on my newspaper front page again woog. Still talking about kesler hating canadians ( I LOVE KESLER ! ) and about sidney crosby ;) anyways today I had volunteering and liek Veronica couldn't make it cause of her dentist so bleh. So I dragged Jellen with me so it was all cool. Went to dairy queen first. Spend 5.24$ on a large blizzard which I shared with her cause I aint that fat LOL. It was a good day.. all the kids weren't really there for me to do anything so me and Jellen went outside and explored the school lulzy. Then we went home early ( forgot to sign out cough o-o'' ) then I walked her to Temp, but we went by Ben's house. ben wasn't home or whatever but his sister opened the door so it was like okay.. Then we jacked his stuff 8) so it was all good ^__^'' Besides I needed to copy some duke of ed stuff righttt? canucks won right? RIGHT YES THEY DID >] |
runs around the playground with a paper bag on my head. 8Dkayteeclark needs a actual journal, but all she has is this, so live with it (: profile
kayteeclark: insert something clever. ♥ iCLEARLYmissyou fifteen. single ♥ blog10/29/09 archives
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