Monday, November 30, 2009
Last blogged @ 8:35 PM so, glaciers are pissing me off more and more. ohmygod. I never hated ice this much. I think this is like the only project that really actually pissed me off out of everything I have ever done in my life. (: ugh. so whats new everyone? I got my money today, so yeno new phone >w< hopefully I'll be able to get my blackberry tomorrow ^___^ been waiting forever to get my hands on one. better freaking have a blackberry there or i'm gonna like cry ): cause i've been waiting for a whole week for it. DDD: so yeno. wish me luck <3
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Last blogged @ 7:41 PM
dre is so kewl, hurd his mix on peak season. gotta give him some props (: yes i have been watching peak season & the hills if you were wondering. and like yeno life is sucky as always. I need cookies in my diet. I feel fat * points out all my flaws * . december is around the corner. OH AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO SAMMIBUNNI :D well its tomorrow but i think in his time its his birthday (: wooggy. wut a hater right? but anyways hope he has a great one ^___^ uhm yesh. peak season & the hills for the win~ Last blogged @ 6:16 PM slang ftw,
so i hurd shiet bout you. can you be more of a dumbass freak you bitch. i dont get how you freaking live :O like you fuck shiet up wihtout knowing and you bitch at me for getting into it when i'm trying TO FUCKING HELP YOU. then yer a huge flirter. no wonder why people want to ditch you so bad you dummie. Oh hitting on a 12 year old and showing yer dick, smart thing to do. yep normal 16 year olds do that to people younger. oh yeh and jacking off, SMARTTTTTTT NO WONDER SHE LOVES YOU SO MUCH. fucking dipshiet. go get a fucking life. (Y)
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Last blogged @ 9:05 PM . i love that yer mine now and for moarever.
. i get high on the phone wiht viv, HAI GURRRRRL . i would spend my days with you , yer everything i wanted. . californiaSANJOSECOSTARICA why so many trips? . disneyland summer? of course. . ditching viv or the summer well july, sucka. . yer a cutieboy i want to keep forever and ever <3
Monday, November 23, 2009
Last blogged @ 5:31 PM American Apparel is bringing its rummage sale to Vancouver! Hundreds of your favorite garments to choose from. Up to 85% off, inventory replenished throughout the day. Free admission. Cash, credit and debit. holy shizzle, i must go. ITS FREAKING AA ♥ oh dear god, * drags vivi* with meh, oh fyi i'm facebook lagging wut a disgrace right? * drools * aa bby.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Last blogged @ 4:02 PM "look ur a waste of time" yeno wut yer a fucking ignorite bitch that cant see the difference between online and offline.just look at yourself stupid. talk shiet about me, oh you do not know what i can do. yer a little jealous fuck. can't even treat a girl right, tsk tsk or are you uhm whats the word SMART AT LOOKING FOR SMALL THINGS. but yeno whatever. just helping you in the long run; haven't been this pissed since someone played me. and i got over that. Last blogged @ 10:00 AM ![]() i kinda quit noobMS: Lesiie, only use it when I'm with a friend. facebook: Kaytee Cvpcakes (hlokty) msn: aim: savkypz stalk me? :D
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Last blogged @ 3:10 PM ![]()
I miss you justin, even though we may have said harsh shyt, i love you & i never meant it, i hope we can meet again ><
Friday, November 20, 2009
Last blogged @ 4:45 PM iloveyouguys (: my best friends (L)
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Last blogged @ 9:14 PM team justin; team justin; team justin; ♥ Last blogged @ 6:00 PM
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Last blogged @ 7:42 PM i'm such a horrible person, its like the shanye & justin thing all over again..
whats wrong with me... its like i get the guy that ALWAYS cares about me but then someone comes along, makes me feel better, but it seems like we CHOSED each other.. sigh. what should I do nao? iloveyoohsomuch..
Monday, November 16, 2009
Last blogged @ 8:18 PM talking to cyrusboo(: yeee i got nicknames, WUTCHA GONNA DO BOUT THAT.
i'm making this blog cause i fuhking miss gms as hell, i wannabe able to waste money. no i really dont want ot but yeno. i might rejoin sooner or later. starting brand new, new nx & all this shiz maybeh? mardia is full of level 200's D: WHY CANT NEXON MAKE NEW SERVERS >[ but too bad the perm shiz is pissing meh off ;~; stupid shizzle. FML?~ i've been really into make my friends & mine old chars (: ohai heres my futurechar bishoz, cutecute... MINE GTFO ): go back to mardia? demo? new servers ideno. ![]()
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Last blogged @ 8:08 PM ![]() Last blogged @ 7:30 PM ![]() Last blogged @ 2:49 PM tiktok something something something. *ish bad with lyrics* D:
but anyways hai thar, so bored right now. had a weird morning. my brother thinks i have a boyfriend.. nuuuuuuuu D: I GOT NO BOYRFRIEND FOO. and stop stalking my facebook ;~; even though facebook is for stalkers but still D: STOP STALKING MEH: viv told you i got family members on facebook geez. FACEBOOK FOO: hlokty. stalk meh ;] wink wink. <3
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Last blogged @ 7:43 PM i never thought we would seperate at all.
never knew that day would come, but still your still in my heart no matter what... you made me cry, laugh & more importantly i felt real. you make me high, you make me real your universe is full but in my world, your the only one. does he know how you feel? does he, or does he not? .___.'' ideno anymore. i just miss you to death right now. its like weird without you i was talking to lilly about how i miss you and i asked what was wrong with me.. "you still love him you silly", its true.. why can't i get rid of this feeling? its just stupid sometimes but i just feel like crying because of this.. what is wrong with me? love is all around you... Last blogged @ 6:04 PM Yalla Habibi
We can go Far away To a sunny place Yalla Habibi We can fly To a place and hide So we can spend time so like i dont have my notebook because someone took mine ): wut a disgrace right? jkaaaaaayzor. but yeno yeeeeh so the missing days i'm replacing with THE DAYS WHERE uhm ideno. lost my thoughts. Last blogged @ 5:51 PM ![]() i love FROOTLOOPS yeh, slow day & its cold. but honestly today my dad got me froot loops, so its all good ^___^ (: my mouse is going haywire atm. I REALLY DISLIKE THAT. hmmm yee. IM HUNGRY BRB WHILE I GO GET FROOTLOOPS. oh fyi, sorry this layout is yeee, IT SATISFIED MY CRAVING. did i mention i watched the vampire diaries. how interesting.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Last blogged @ 5:37 PM cute yes yes? (: CAARRRRRRLLL D: katy version: VIIIIIIIIIVVV D: Last blogged @ 5:01 PM poppy day, did you get yer poppy today?
WELL IF YOU DIDNT, SHAME ON YOUU ): remembrance day.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Last blogged @ 8:34 PM
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Last blogged @ 4:06 PM ![]() one word: grounded. well not really, its just that people are now keeping track of me. AND THE ONLY REASON WHY VIVI IS BEING A "good girl" if you may say, its cause coughcough me right? katy (: foshomofo. but anyways yeh deno how long i have left on this computer. SO I HURD SOEMOENS ONEMONTH cough mine but yeno it died in a hole, andddddd they broke up. -claps claps- gratz. SO they took me out of graphikz. ( kay not really i meant GRAPHIC ARTS ) andd put me in a skills block, so I can yeno catch up on my work like a good girl. CYRUS MADE ME LOL TODAY well smile. your naughty :O skipping school! tsk tsk(: it was some day but whatever. deno when i'm gonna update again so byebye bloggers.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Last blogged @ 4:01 PM your stupid but its okay.
you're* ? ideno whatever. wenting phoing with viv, I mean armilda, and then went to 88cents got "white tea" incense which apparently smells like my house. I wanted to get ocean breeze but meh whatever white tea seems cooler. Not being racist or anything but hai it smells like me APPARENTLY (: I feel so friggen retarded; .___.'' can't even use a lighter. I'm SUCH A DISAPPOINTMENT IN LIFE. fml yes? seriously I gave it to my dad to try and he lit it perfectly fine.. why can't i lit it? UBER FAIL CHICK RIGHT HERE. well i'ma go off to noob/lost and then msn. ♥ Last blogged @ 3:47 PM ![]() oh oh oh oh oh my love. - you make me so crazy. can I ever LOL even more? each day more and more friggen drama happens. I LOVE IT; its like a life story of a poor poor relationship. would you like a award for your great efforts? I think you do deserve one my dear. OH MISS AMAZING @ hmm online drama funniest shiet ever (: all you can do is watch and wait and reply. Three easy steps, drama is there. TALK TO ME BABY~ one thing saying that you want her all to yourself.. DAM YOU CONCIETED SELFISH OUT OF THIS WORLD BIOTCH. self centered much? want anymore proof? said it yerself too (: i will always want u for myself.. sharing is caring. did no one taught you this saying? oh please. listen to your mommy moar, no matter how much shes scawy? [ for wut i hurd ]. I still lol at you... hmm btw listen to others and friends and stop thinking about your own happiness. P L E A S E ? ur mad cuz of that one time when some1 kissed me...i know ur hurt by that scene...but now u know how i feel.actually no, you promised her something.. so honestly SHE DOESN'T alright? scene my ass.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Last blogged @ 6:49 PM ugh, i'm like killing myself slowly right nao. i feel LITERALLY DEAD right now. Can't believe I had such a random breakdown in class today. >.>'' - insert emo icon avvie here - ideno who to turn to anymore, like ideno I JUST DON'T KNOW ANYMORE ugh. can I just get into a hole and die or maybeh get into a car crash? (: I seriously want to just like friggen DIE. omg. sigh I wanna talk to johnny.. or justin or anyone ideno anymore. Got no motivation anymore, I blame that stupid englishoutdoor thing, made me start crying. SIGH. I still do when I'm at school, i'm like completely worthless and everthing. Maybeh a F A I L U R E in there too? YENO WUT I SHOULD PUT MY ANGER/SADNESS INTO MORE SPAZZING.
ohai thar yooh, tbh its the FUXXINGINTERNETONLINERELATIONBLAHBLAHBLAH, can you be any moar obsessed? sry2say its not like its ever going to happen, or is it? but while at the mean time can you ever give her some space? askldjasjkaslads ideno what i'm talking about anymore but this is stupid. Yer stupid jesuschrist. YOU LIKE WORSHIP HER OR SOMETHING. Not saying its bad or anything but seriously, go out moar... >.>'' Last blogged @ 4:15 PM Last blogged @ 3:54 PM ![]() joined a new privateserver; LostInTimeMS @ brokenclock people are pretty nice (: join join pl0xzor ~
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Last blogged @ 12:59 PM ![]() don't you sometimes wish you can have a kewler name? okay probably not.. but still? SORRY FOR THE OVERFILL WITH AVVIES; I thought the cyworld ones were so adorable I had to use them on here; creds for a_random_mess @ LJ (: I feel like im slightly showing my randomWEIRD side lately or is this the way I am for awhile without knowing? I've been looking all ksadjskldsjadkldsasd. SO uhm.. I either have short term memory or whatever I think I SAID SOMETHING ABOUT THIS.. in my rl journal *fail* Happy one lateish week cakeyboo x3so LIEK, yeh I have no life and i'm uh waiting still cause I have no other friends. YENO WUT I REALIZED? I ALSO HAVE NO ONLINE FRIENDS ON NEOPETS. < totally complete loner right there. looooooooser. I have a feeling that Izzy still goes on facebook cause theres no way he has his pet automatic whatsoever on .. and uh if yer reading this HAI IZZY xP its a jet black cadillac and my head hurts. ~ Last blogged @ 12:47 PM ![]() I had a weird dream last night, weirdest shiet ever or maybe its just me. Whats with that dream anyways.. trying to say that I may be in love? sigh. That dream kind of made my "day" if you can say that, lulzy. So I woke up late deno why, was I THAT tired? So then I ended up waking up being all dazed wondering whats happening and shiet... snuck out the laptop, went on msn first thing coughh then went on noobms daily shiet I would do when I still had my laptop >[ then went off for a bit to watch some of my kiddie shows <3 ate candy and other sugary goodness. (: Came back on writing this blog and doing my daily gamey things x3 and waiting for johnnycakes to come back so I can tell him my dream finally. OH creeped wutshisfayces blog, once again its about her. WOOOOOOO GRATZ YOU STUPID KID. jkay (: we're all kewl so no worries. happy november you guise. CHECKLIST FOR TODAY?!; spanish project with vivi > neopets. |
runs around the playground with a paper bag on my head. 8Dkayteeclark needs a actual journal, but all she has is this, so live with it (: profile
kayteeclark: insert something clever. ♥ iCLEARLYmissyou fifteen. single ♥ blog10/29/09 ![]() archives
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